Tag - windows

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Instalasi Alfresco EA + MySQL pada Windows

Pastikan Anda telah memiliki installer dari Alfresco Untuk proses instalasi, Berikut screen shot proses instalasi Alfresco EA 201609 pada Windows :1. Pemilihan bahasa. Silahkan pilih Bahasa Inggris yaitu “English – English” lalu klik tombol “OK” 2. Setup Alfresco community, Klik tombol “Next” 3. Untuk tipe Instalasi, Pilih “Advance-Configures server ports and services properties” lalu klik “Next” 4. Pilih...

Konfigurasi Java Home

Instalasi Liferay 7 (DXP) + MySQL pada Windows

 Instalasi Liferay pada sistem operasi Windows hampir sama dengan instalasi pada Linux, perbedaannya hanya pada path instalasi. Berikut langkah-langkah instalasi Liferay pada Windows :1. Ekstrak Liferay kemudian copy ke folder C:\. Sehingga akan terdapat struktur folder seperti di bawah ini :C:\liferay-ce-portal-7.0-ga32. Install JAVA JDK 1.8, lalu setting JAVA_HOME, CATALINA_HOME dan path nya  Tambahkan setting  path seperti...

Liferay 6.2 Installation Tutorial on Windows

In a previous article, we have discussed about tutorial of alfresco installation. Now,  Softbless Solutions will share more information about Liferay installation. And this article will discuss about tutorial of Liferay installation on windows operating systems: Because Liferay is a JAVA-based engine, then we need JDK version 5 and above. In addition to the JDK we...

Alfresco in Cloud

Alfresco 5.0 Installation Tutorial on Windows

Tutorial for installation of Alfresco Community in this time will using the latest version, Alfresco 5.0. Make sure you have the installer of Alfresco 5.0 and The following below is step by step installation of Alfresco 5.0 on Windows : Language Selection. Please select "English - English" and then click "OK" Setup Alfresco Community, click "Next" button For...

Alfresco in Cloud

Alfresco 4.2.b Installation Tutorial on Windows

Alfresco 4.2.b Installation Tutorial on Windows For alfresco installation process on Linux and Windows are the same. Here's a screenshot of the installation process on Windows Alfresco 4.2 b: 1. Language selection 2. Alfresco Community Setup 3. Installation type Chose Advance-Configures server ports and services properties 4. Select the application 5. Select where to save the patch to be installed alfresco folder 6. Enter port...