Tag - Liferay


Knowledge Management System – Vendor di Indonesia

Knowledge Management is the discipline to identify, manage, store and retrieve knowledge from and to the members of the organization. Whereas tools for knowledge management can be made electronically using Knowledge Management Software Applications. Deliver, Manage and Store Knowledge to be More OrganizedInformativeAccurate Knowledge Management can be your solution, if your company experiences problems like the...

Enterprise Content Management Expert in Indonesia

Enterprise Content Management System is a digitized content/information and document management process to support a company to fulfill and reach its goal of a business process. A company needs to manage its information/content effectively to increase its working productivity. Enterprise Content Management System capable of providing that process for a company. ECM, generally, strongly integrated...

Performance Tuning in Liferay

There are several things to consider in improving the performance of Liferay: 1. Properties There are several configurations on-ext.properties portal that can improve performance: last.modified.check=false Disable checking last modified date on server side CSS and Javascript theme.css.fast.load=true Load the theme’s merged CSS files for faster loading for production javascript.fast.load=true Load the javascript files for faster loading for production 2. Servlet Filters Disable all unused servlet filter  SSO CAS  SSO...

Online Preview in Liferay

Steps to install the online preview Liferay on linux:1. Install ImageMagick:apt-get install imagemagick2. Log in as Administrator Portal3. Navigate to ControlPanel -> Administration Server4. On the menu tabs select External Service5. To activate ImageMagick, check the enable ImageMagick6. Fill Path with / usr / bin, how to find out by typing in the terminal :"which convert" Default settings: imagemagick.resource.limit.area=2GiB#imagemagick.resource.limit.disk=16GiB#imagemagick.resource.limit.file=256imagemagick.resource.limit.map=1GiBimagemagick.resource.limit.memory=2GiB#imagemagick.resource.limit.thread=2#imagemagick.resource.limit.time=3600 note: "sign # is not filled"Default setting:  Change to:: imagemagick.resource.limit.area=3GiBimagemagick.resource.limit.disk=10GiBimagemagick.resource.limit.file=512imagemagick.resource.limit.map=3GiBimagemagick.resource.limit.memory=2GiBimagemagick.resource.limit.thread=1imagemagick.resource.limit.time=3600

OpenOffice Integration Liferay

Installing OpenOffice in your Operating System: If your OS is XP / Windows7 follow these steps: 1. Install OpenOffice.org v2.0.3 or any other version. 2. Navigate to C: \ Program Files \ OpenOffice.org \ Programs folder in the command prompt . 3. run the following command: soffice-headless-accept = "socket, host =, port = 8100, URP,"-nofirststartwizard. 4. Then Restart If your Linux Operating System follow these steps: 1. Install Package v2.0.3 OpenOffice or any other...

Liferay MarketPlace

In August 2012, Liferay have officially launched their Liferay Marketplace to this world. Where, The Liferay Marketplace is an application store which designed specifically for Liferay users. A Liferay Marketplace initial is announced in May 2012 at the East Coast Symposium. Liferay, Inc. is a provider of open source portal and also leads in enterprises. This enterprise has offers more than 70...