Tag - Liferay Integration

OpenOffice Integration Liferay

Installing OpenOffice in your Operating System: If your OS is XP / Windows7 follow these steps: 1. Install OpenOffice.org v2.0.3 or any other version. 2. Navigate to C: \ Program Files \ OpenOffice.org \ Programs folder in the command prompt . 3. run the following command: soffice-headless-accept = "socket, host =, port = 8100, URP,"-nofirststartwizard. 4. Then Restart If your Linux Operating System follow these steps: 1. Install Package v2.0.3 OpenOffice or any other...

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Features of Liferay Sync on Liferay 6.1

Liferay Sync is a product of Liferay, specifically on Liferay 6.1 Enterprises Edition, to make easy file sharing process for their user, as easy as drag-and-drop ways. Liferay Sync products allow users to synchronize their folders and then edit, move or delete them and also log all user document changes and versions. This service almost...