Liferay Enterprise Portal, Your Company Collaboration and Communication Solution

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A company’s success not only lies on its well-developed strategies, but also the quality of its corporate portal and human resources. Despite of the roles of other resources, these resources are vital due to their role in policy making, implementation, and monitoring. This further leads to methods company applies. The better the methods, the better policies it will make which further determines the success of the company.

Liferay Enterprise Portal, Your Company Communication and Collaboration Solution

On top of that, we found the key lies on centralized control, describing the importance of control over intranet. By externalizing authorization from core portal, collaboration, content management, and messaging infrastructure using traffic-information-intercepting agents, we can improve our company’s efficacy. Besides, the system allows a centralized policy making by allowing or revoking intranet access based on user’s data, communication channel, accessed resources, active content, and other environmental variables.

These important functions, without any doubt, has given leads to our imminent need of Liferay.

With the emphasis on security and compliance, Liferay training offers a flexible system based on policies company can use to manage, provide, and audit access over its information infrastructure. Similar to Alfresco, this system accommodates company collaboration and communication channels, including its portals, content management system, instant messaging, VoIP, e-mail, meeting history, text chat, and video conference.

Despite of the complexities of its features, it is not impossible to own this amazing system. Thanks to Softbless Solutions, our company, Liferay enterprise portal is now available for your company. With proven experiences in serving large companies, Softbless Solutions has long gained trusts to provide the best Alfresco training as solution over vast challenges and problems for countless offices.
Now, it is your call to make and experience the best enterprise content management solution for your company. Do not make the wrong decision by not choosing us, because we are the best and your trustworthy Liferay enterprise portal provider.

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